We are happy to announce the the 6th International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed-Reality for Human-Robot Interactions at HRI 2023. 😎. We are excited to hold a hybrid workshop in Stockholm, Sweden on March 13, 2023! The organizing committee is currently working hard at bringing you more details about our workshop. Please check back soon!
Call for Papers
Paper acceptances have been sent out! You can see the program schedule above.
Upcoming Dates
Early submission: Jan. 28, 2023 @ 11:59pm (AOE)
Normal submission: Feb. 18, 2023 @ 11:59pm (AOE)
Notification of Acceptance: Feb 25, 2023
Workshop date: March 13, 2023
Takeaway from last year's work shop: The 5th VAM-HRI Workshop (video, website) in 2022 had 14 papers that were ultimately published in the venue’s proceedings. These papers were grouped using the new VAM-HRI Virtual Design Element Taxonomy " Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction: A Survey and Virtual Design Element Taxonomy" that was designed by past and present chairs of the VAM-HRI Workshop. In addition, the online version of this taxonomy presents the categorization of all surveyed papers, through various forms of visualization to enable the researcher to explore the space of research in this field through the taxonomic classification proposed in this paper. This interface has been built using a survey visualizer tool that is accessible at: vamhri.com. The online interactive platform is a tool for new students to explore and become quickly initiated with the field, as well as for researchers, new and experienced, to identify gaps in existing literature and push the community forward. This platform serves as a living resource that the VAM-HRI community may use to track the continued progress and growth of our nascent field.
Keynote Speaker

Cynthia Matuszek
Assistant Professor at UMBC
Cynthia's work focuses on the problem of grounded language acquisition: extracting semantically meaningful representations of human language by mapping those representations to the noisy, unpredictable physical world in which robots operate. Cynthia combines robotics, natural language processing, and machine learning to build systems that non-specialists can instruct, control, and interact with intuitively and naturally.

If you are interested in helping organize this workshop in the future, reach out to us at vam.hri@gmail.com.