Author Information

Author Template (ACM SIG Conf) OpenReview/Submit Here

Submissions are single-blind review and do not need to be anonymized.

ROLLING SUBMISSIONS: Due to the early registration deadline for HRI being January 31st, we have implemented rolling submissions with updated deadlines. Make sure to submit by January 28 if you want notification by January 31, 2023 UTC-12 before the HRI 2023 early registration deadline.

Final submissions will close February 18, 2023, 2023 @ 11:59pm (AOE). If you have trouble submitting, feel free to email the organizers.

Notification of Acceptance: Feb 25, 2023

The 6th International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction (VAM-HRI) will bring together HRI, robotics, and mixed reality researchers to address challenges in mixed reality interactions between humans and robots in a hybrid workshop format, allowing for participation both in-person and remotely. VAM-HRI 2023 will follow on the success of VAM-HRI 2018-22 and advance the cause of this nascent research community.

VAM-HRI accepts submissions of length from 2-8 pages presenting current or proposed work. Papers posted online without prior peer review (e.g., already posted on ArXiv as a preprint but not already accepted into another venue) can be submitted. References do not count towards total page count. A submission link will be provided closer to the first deadline.

All accepted papers will be accompanied by talks and/or poster presentations and will be archived on the workshop website.

VAM-HRI 2023 is looking to follow on the success of the last five years, and welcomes contributions on topics including but not limited to:

· AR-based intent communication
· AR-based behavior explanation
· Social/Socially Assistive applications of VAM-HRI
· AR/VR for robot testing and diagnostics
· AR/VR for robot learning
· VR for HRI human-subject experimentation
· Mixed-reality language grounding
· AR-augmented natural language generation
· AR-enabled robot control
· AR/VR for safety around robots
· Architectures for AR/VR-based HRI
· Computational modeling within AR/VR-based HRI
· AR/VR for expanding social interactions
· VAM-HRI research in the time of COVID-19
· Social and ethical implications of VAM for HRI

Please note that some double blind conferences (e.g., HRI itself) may consider a preprint online as violating the double blind process leading to a desk reject. Please double check the policy if you plan to submit a "conference/journal ready" paper to one of these venues in the future. Most single-blind (e.g., RO-MAN/ICRA) have been completely fine submitting papers that were preprint versions accepted into this workshop.