VAM-HRI 2020
The Second International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction

At VAM-HRI we seek to bring together HRI, Robotics, and AI, researchers working on challenges in mixed reality interactions between humans and robots. VAM-HRI was held for the first time at HRI 2018, where it served as the first workshop of its kind at an academic AI or Robotics conference, and served as a timely call to arms to the academic community in response to the growing promise of this emerging field. VAM-HRI 2020 is looking to follow on the success of the last two years, and welcomes contributions on topics including but not limited to:

Identification of novel HRI problems that can benefit from emerging AR/VR/MR technologies
AR/VR/MR-based intention communication
AR/VR/MR-based behavior explanation
AR/VR/MR for robot testing and diagnostics
AR/VR/MR for HRI human-subject experimentation
Efficient representations for AR/VR/MR interaction patterns
AR/VR/MR language grounding
AR/VR/MR-augmented natural language generation
AR/VR/MR-enabled robot control
Architectures for AR/VR/MR-based HRI
AR/VR/MR for expanding social interactions

Submission Instructions

FULL PAPERS: 6-8 page papers presenting novel work.

EXTENDED ABSTRACTS: 2-4 page papers presenting previous, current, or proposed work.

ROLLING SUBMISSIONS: Submission are open and will typically take a week for review. Make sure to submit by Jan 20th if you want notification by January 30, 2020 UTC-12 before the HRI 2020 early registration deadline.

Submissions will close February 29, 2020 UTC-12.

All papers must be submitted in PDF format and conform to the ACM SIG proceedings specifications. Please note that we are following the general ACM SIG format, not the SIGCHI format. Authors should use the sample-sigconf.tex or interim_layout.docx template files.

Papers will undergo mutual review; as such, authors of submitted papers will be expected to provide a small number of reviews for fellow authors. All accepted papers will be accompanied by talks and/or poster presentations and will be archived on the workshop website.