
The International Workshop on Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed-Reality for Human-Robot Interactions at HRI 2022. 😎. We are excited to hold the workshop on Monday and want to keep it going for years to come! If you are interested in helping organize this workshop in the future, reach out to us at vam.hri@gmail.com

Call for Papers

Author Information/Submission Instructions


Paper acceptances have been sent out! You can see the program schedule above.

Upcoming Dates

Early submission: Jan. 28, 2022 @ UTC-12.

(Updated) Normal submission: Feb. 18, 2022 @ 11:59pm UTC-12 (AOE).

(Updated) Notification of Acceptance: Feb 24

Workshop date: March 7, 2022

Takeaway from last year's work shop: The 4th VAM-HRI Workshop (video, website) in 2021 had 10 paper submissions that were ultimately published in the venue’s proceedings. These papers were synthesized for trends and takeaways within the field of VAM-HRI as well as examined in a case study for VAM-HRI system categorization in “A Tool for Organizing Key Characteristics of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction Systems: Synthesizing VAM-HRI Trends and Takeaways” published this year in IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine. Overall, the paper aimed to gather insights from the previous year's workshop and present how VAM-HRI is evolving and improving the field of HRI as a whole.

Keynote Speaker

James Tompkin

Assistant Professor Brown University

Research in computer vision, computer graphics, and human-computer interaction.

Home Lab


If you are interested in helping organize this workshop in the future, reach out to us at vam.hri@gmail.com.

Christine T. Chang

University of Colorado Boulder

Michael E. Walker

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Jessica Zosa Forde

Brown University

Thomas R. Groechel

University of Southern California

Eric Rosen

Brown University


Steering Committee

Stefanie Tellex

Brown University

Home Lab
Daniel Szafir

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Home Lab
Tom Williams

Colorado School of Mines

Home Lab